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Zoe sets out benefits of Nuffield Scholarships as applications open for next cohort

13th May 2024 / By Alistair Driver

As applications open for the next cohort of Nuffield Scholars, former NPA chief executive Zoe Leach explains the benefits of participating in the scheme. 

Zoe NuffieldAround 20 Nuffield Farming Scholarships are awarded each year, giving individuals the opportunity to research topics of interest in farming, food, horticulture, forestry or any other countryside and ancillary industry.

Scholars are able to travel anywhere in the world for a period of no less than eight weeks to further their knowledge and understanding of their chosen study topic. On return from their travels, they present their findings, the conclusions they have reached and the recommendations to the industry in a variety of formats, including a written report and a presentation at the Annual Nuffield Farming Conference.

A bursary of approximately £8,500 will be given towards the Scholars travel and subsistence expenses. In addition, the Trust and their individual award sponsor will meet their travel and expenses in relation to the Pre-Study Briefing and Contemporary Scholars Conference (CSC). The total value of an award is in excess of £15,000.

Zoe did a Nuffield Scholarship in 2011 on Mover and Shakers in the Global Pork industry and credits this for the positive impact it had on her tenure at the NPA. 

She explains how it benefited her career in this video.

Applying for a Nuffield Farming Scholarship

  • The deadline to apply is July 31.
  • You can apply here:
  • Anyone who is interested can contact  for more information.