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AHDB pork sector council vacancies

18th Jan 2022 / By Alistair Driver

AHDB is looking for new members with experience in the industry to join the Pork sector council.

The role is responsible for deciding what work should be commissioned for the sector and ensuring there is effective engagement between levy payers and AHDB to deliver the best value from the levy and, hence, determining the levy rate.

Appointments are for three-year terms from April 2022 and require up to two days per month commitment per year, including attendance at Sector Council Meetings.

"The levy supports the industry so that AHDB can carry out the work that is needed to ensure the pork sector’s ongoing success, and to remain competitive at home and abroad," AHDB said.

"Consumer marketing, export development, defending the industry’s reputation, animal health and welfare, the provision of market and trade data are all valuable services paid for by the levy and delivered by AHDB."

For more information and details of how to apply visit: 

The closing date for applications is January 23.

AHDB board member Tim Bradshaw has urged fellow producers to apply in a new post on the forum. "You don't have to be a renowned industry figure, just someone who can commit the time to attend meetings and contribute to the discussions and debates that we have over how the levy is spent," he said. 

Have your say on AHDB's future

In April 2022, levy payers will get to have their say on what challenges AHDB should focus on and the services they will deliver in the future.

"It’s a chance to influence how your levy is spent on the things that matter to you most," AHDB said.

Levy payers need to register before March 31 in order to vote: