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AHDB to review all its services as pressures on budget grow

8th Jul 2022 / By Alistair Driver

AHDB is reviewing all its services for pork levy payers, as it faces up to a future with a reduced levy and undergoes a restructure following the recent Shape the Future vote.

The pork levy, which totalled around £9m in 2021/22, is under pressure two fronts. HMRC informed AHDB earlier this year of a change to its VAT status, meaning it can no longer recover VAT on goods and services paid for by the levy.

While AHDB continues to press its case, the change came into force on April 1, and is expected cost the levy body around £4m across its four remaining sectors, reducing spending capacity by around 9%.

In addition, AHDB is budgeting for a reduction in its 2022/23 pork levy of up to 15%, in light of the ongoing contraction of the national pig herd, according to pork sector chairman Mike Sheldon. “That is substantial, although there are no guarantees the reduction will be that big,” he said.

You can read the full story HERE