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ASA rejects complains over AHDB Eat Balanced ads

18th Aug 2021 / By Alistair Driver

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has rejected complaints made about AHDB’s 'We Eat Balanced' advertising campaign in a landmark ruling for British farming.

The £1.5 million campaign, ran across TV, print and social media during January and February 2021, reaching up to 18.5 million people, according to AHDB.

Unique in its cross-sector approach to promoting health messages across AHDB's sectors, it aimed to remind consumers of the role red meat and dairy play in a balanced diet. Its key messages focused on naturally occurring Vitamin B12 and how red meat and dairy production in the UK is amongst the most sustainable in the world.

The campaign attracted 487 complaints in total, including Humane League UK, The Vegan Society, Compassion in World Farming UK, PETA, and Viva!

You can read more about this story HERE