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Advice on managing pigs - and yourselves - in extreme heat

18th Jul 2022 / By Alistair Driver

As temperatures soar to record levels in parts of the UK, there is plenty of advice out there about managing pigs in extreme heat.

APHA's guidance for livestock can be viewed HERE

It says: "You must take reasonable steps (such as preparing food and water) to plan for your animals’ welfare in extreme weather. You should check on your animals often and take necessary action (such as providing more water) if needed. You should make sure livestock are protected from extreme weather and that food and water are available."

It also stresses that producers must take steps to ensure the health & welfare of animals being transported, including: 

  • Providing fresh water 
  • Not moving animals in temperatures over 30 degrees 
  • Maximising ventilation by moving fewer animals.

AHDB's drought page also includes plenty of advice, including managing heat stress in pigs

AHDB notes that heat stress-related boar infertility can last up to eight weeks following a hot spell. It is urging producers to record hot weather on a calendar and check semen quality up to eight weeks after the last period of Heat Stress. More on that HERE

While members will be well aware of above, the NPA adds: "We have no doubt you will be taking every precaution to keep your pigs as cool as possible over the next couple of days but please also remember to look after yourselves and your employees. It’s no help to the pigs if you keel over in the heat!"