Avian Flu - national Prevention Zone introduced
18th Oct 2022 / By Rebecca Veale
An Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) has been declared across Great Britain meaning it is now a legal requirement for all bird keepers in Great Britain to follow strict biosecurity measures to protect their flocks.
Government brought the AIPZ in following an increase in the number of detections of avian influenza in kept and wild birds and the need to mitigate the risk of the disease spreading amongst poultry and captive birds.
Housing measures are also in place in Norfolk, Suffolk and parts of Essex.
When Avian Flu is confirmed, APHA put in place a number of measures to contain and control the disease, including Restriction Zones, which are declared around the infected premises. The size will depend on the outbreak in question and whether it is low or high path.
Producers are reminded if they are in a Restriction Zone (check on the interactive map) but they do not have birds on their premises then no additional restrictions apply, however, if a unit is in a Restriction Zone and birds are also kept on the premises (including pets), the movement of pigs will require an additional licence under the Avian Influenza control legislation.
All the information and guidance about Avian Flu, zones and restrictions you might need can be found in the NPA Avian Flu Q&A – read in the members area.