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DEFRA INVITE - Landscape Recovery

11th Aug 2021 / By Andrea Tranter

DEFRA INVITE – Landscape Recovery

The sessions will be a chance for farmers and other potential participants to learn more about the upcoming scheme, ask questions and share their ideas for its development.

Landscape Recovery

Landscape Recovery is one of three new environmental land management schemes, as well as the Sustainable Farming Incentive and Local Nature Recovery. Through the scheme, Defra aim to put in place bespoke agreements to deliver long-term, large-scale, landscape and ecosystem recovery projects. They will be inviting bids from potential pilot projects in the autumn.

Defra are currently planning to open applications to sites between 500 to 5,000 connected hectares.  Sites could be provided by any landowner or land manager, including individuals, organisations and collaborative groups.

How to sign up for a session

Farming contacts should read the Landscape Recovery blog post to find out if the scheme is right for them, before signing up to a session.

The sessions will take place on the following days. To sign up, please click the session you would like to attend:

The sessions will be the same, so you may attend whichever one is most convenient. Defra will be recording the sessions, so you will be able to catch up later if you’re not able to attend.