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Delay on requirement to use new AHR EHCs until January

16th Aug 2021 / By Alistair Driver

The EU has voted to delay when traders must start to use the new Export Health Certificates (EHCs).

The new Animal Health Regulation (AHR) EHCs were due to be used from August 21 for goods exported to the EU.

However, the EU has voted to delay the date from when the new EHCs must be signed until  January 15, 2022. It includes EHCs for all products of animal origin, live animals, germinal products and composite products and also applies to traders moving goods to Northern Ireland.

The EU’s proposal will mean that current EHCs signed before January 15, 2022 can be used until March 15, 2022 for goods on route to the EU. Changes to the rules for the certification of composite products which took effect in April 2021 continue to apply.

Defra said: "We know that businesses have been working hard to get ready for the new EHCs on August 21, 2021. We are currently reviewing options for the use of current and new AHR certificates that have already been made available and will provide updates on this shortly.

Movement Assistance Scheme – ISTA and organics expansions go live 

On July 1, the Government announced that the Movement Assistance Scheme (MAS) was to continue to provide traders with advice and guidance via the dedicated MAS helpline 0330 0416 580, and financial support for certain certification costs and other direct costs of certification, until the end of December 2023, when the scheme will close. 

Four new scheme expansions were also announced on July 1 to increase the financial support available to traders.

Two of these expansions went live on August 1:

  • Traders can receive financial support for the costs related to ISTA (International Seed Testing Association) sample testing and certification required for all individual seed lots traded GB to NI.
  • The Government is supporting exporters in GB who face new costs moving organics solely to NI, and NI importers who face new costs to receive these goods from GB. This includes the importer/exporter licensing cost component of the registration fee to an organic control body. 

Useful Resources 

A Frequently Asked Questions document, which provides additional information on MAS and the scheme expansions is stored on the GB-NI Trader Showcase site.