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Full processing week pre-Easter, despite factory breakdowns - TVC

13th Apr 2020 / By Alistair Driver

Factory breakdowns, rather than staff shortages, were the cause of lost processing time last week, according to Thames Valley Cambac.

However, despite the breakdowns, few pigs were rolled as ‘swift’ rearrangements were made.

“This led to a straight edge start and a full processing week pre-Easter for all the majors,” TVC said in its latest market summary.

“Demand was varied dependant on exposure to domestic foodservice and retail sales, and staffing issues caused by illness/self isolating. Some majors were quite bullish, while others were more restrained, but contract price contributions stood on.”

Any contracts with a SPP element improved, however, on the back of a welcome increase of 0.5p to 163.89p. Supplies were seasonally tight, and average weights continued to trend lower.

The fresh meat market was very quiet and little changed pricewise. The cull sow market stood on with full kills planned post the Easter shut down.

In Europe, the influential German market fell back 5 eurocents, leading the way for similar falls in
neighbouring countries. Price quotes in sterling were eroded further by a weaker Euro that ended the week down 0.29p at 87.56p.

Weaner demand improved a touch, but supplies remained very limited outside regular contract arrangements. AHDB prices saw the weighted average for a 30kg store pig fall £4.13 to £57.59, and the weighted average for a 7kg weaner fall by 73p to £41.95.