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MPs in call for evidence on Fairness in the food supply chain

31st May 2023 / By Alistair Driver

The EFRA Committee has launched a call for evidence into fairness the UK food supply chain from ‘farm to fork’.

Robert GoodwillThe cross-party committee of MPs will investigate how profitability and risks are shared through the food supply chain and the existing government system of monitoring and regulation of these. The impact of external factors on the supply chain, such as imported food and global commodity prices, will also be examined.

It will take evidence from, among others, farmers, manufacturers, retailers, consumers and the Government. After taking oral evidence in parliamentary evidence sessions, as well as written evidence, the Committee will issue a report with its recommendations for change where appropriate.

EFRA chair Sir Robert Goodwill MP, said: “During these times of high food price inflation, when many people are struggling to give their families good food at a reasonable price, it’s our job as a committee to get to the bottom of what’s going on.

“We know that consumers are paying higher prices, but the question is - are the other parts of the supply chain unduly benefitting from that, or are some of them also feeling the squeeze?

“We need to strike the right balance to ensure healthy, affordable - and preferably British-produced - food is available to all of us.”

The deadline to respond is July 26 and you can read more here.

"The NPA will be responding in full on behalf of members but we would also encourage any individuals who want to take part to do so," chief executive Lizzie Wilson said.