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More media coverage of pig sector 'perfect storm' - updated Feb 11

11th Feb 2021 / By Alistair Driver

The current issues facing the pig sector continue to attract media attention, with NPA staff and members appearing on various outlets. 

Lister BBC

NPA chairman Richard Lister explained the problems farmers were facing with pigs backing up on farms on BBC Look North on Tuesday. "If we can't get these pigs moving within the next two months," the situation is dire for the industry," Richard said. 

You can view the feature HERE (from 6 mins 40 secs) for a limited time. 

BBC Humber also covered the story, quoting NPA senior policy adviser Charlie Dewhurst, Anna Longthorp, who runs Anna's Happy Trotters in East Yorkshire, and Kate Moore, part of the family farm at Pockthorpe Hall, near Driffield. 

Charlie said members had reported export delays due to 'excessive bureaucracy' and new rules governing exports since Britain officially left the EU.

The coronavirus pandemic has also hit meat producers' staffing levels, causing 'a major problem in the food supply chain', he said. "Absenteeism in the processing units and the export problems have really exacerbated what was already a tough time for the industry," he said.

BBC Farming Today covered the story on Thursday morning - you can listen HERE

You can read more HERE 

NPA senior policy adviser Rebecca Veale too part in a Dail Mail podcast, explaining how the additional red tape associated with pork exports to the EU has had a knock-on effect across the industry. 

You can listen HERE (from 14 minutes)

There continues to be plenty of national media coverage, including this major spread, featuring NPA vice chairman Rob Mutimer, in the Daily Mail: 

Daily Mail article

And this article quoting NPA in Sunday's Observer: 


  • You can read more about the media's coverage of the pig sector 'perfect storm' HERE and HERE
  • And you can see our latest press release, following Tuesday's industry Government roundtable meeting HERE