NPA avian flu guidance updated, as national housing measures come in
7th Nov 2022 / By Alistair Driver
The NPA's avian flu guidance as been updated as new mandatory housing measures come into force across England today.
- You can view the latest guidance in the Members' Area HERE
The introduction of housing measures means that, in addition to housing all poultry and captive birds, keepers must take extra precautions to keep their flocks safe. This includes regular cleaning and disinfecting of equipment, clothing and vehicles, and limiting access to non-essential workers or visitors.
Housing measures had already been introduced in the east of the country but this has been extended nationwide following a rapid escalation of the disease in commercial and domestic birds in October, which saw around 100 cases confirmed in commercial and domestic flocks.
The measures apply to all poultry keepers, whether you own just a few birds or a large poultry business.
An Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) was declared across Great Britain in mid-October, making it a legal requirement for all bird keepers in Great Britain to follow strict biosecurity measures to protect their flocks.
When Avian Flu is confirmed, APHA put in place a number of measures to contain and control the disease, including Restriction Zones, which are declared around the infected premises. The size will depend on the outbreak in question and whether it is low or high path.
Pig producers are reminded if they are in a Restriction Zone (check on the interactive map) but they do not have birds on their premises then no additional restrictions apply.
However, if a unit is in a Restriction Zone and birds are also kept on the premises (including pets), the movement of pigs will require an additional licence under the Avian Influenza control legislation.