NPA sets out Brexit opportunities and threats
3rd Nov 2017 / By Alistair Driver
In a new document, published today, the NPA highlights the key opportunities and threats for the pig sector from Brexit.
The challenges outlined include loss of EU markert access, imports of lower standard, non-EU pig products, access to migrant labour and health and disease risks.
The document, put together by senior policy advisor Ed Barker, points out that around 70% of the UK’s pig meat exports go to the EU, of which cull sow carcasses form an integral part as there is no market for them in the UK. Germany is generally the main market for cull sow carcasses, which have very little market value, and the prospect of a tariff of 45p/kg tariff under WTO schedules for pork carcasses would render such exports unviable.
The full briefing paper 'Brexit Opportunities and Challenges' can be viewed here
The opportunities set out include the potential for funding under a new UK farm support scheme, new export opportunities and regionalised regulation.On the potential opportunities provided under a future new support scheme, the document notes that NPA members have reported that one of the biggest barriers to improving pig health, welfare and productivity is replacing building infrastructure on farms.
"The vast improvements that have taken place in new building design would allow businesses to improve animal health and welfare, reduce antibiotic use, as well as significantly reducing emissions and odours. These are all policy priorities valued by consumers, retailers, producers, processors and environmental stakeholders, and the NPA believes that there is suitable scope for Government to work together with the industry and other bodies, in providing incentives to on-farm reinvestment," the documents says.
The paper is published in our Briefings section, alongside other valuable documents on Brexit, antibiotics, pig health and other important topics.