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NPA sets out pig sector priorities for Boris

23rd Jul 2019 / By Alistair Driver

The NPA has set out its five priorities for new Prime Minister Boris Johnson as he takes the helm at a critical time for the country – and the pig industry.

BorisThe NPA is concerned, in particular, that Mr Johnson understands the threats and opportunities Brexit brings for pig farming and the wider agricultural industry – and pursues appropriate policies.

Our top five asks for Mr Johnson are that he:  

1) Understands the potentially devastating impact of a no deal on the pig industry and ensures the UK leaves the EU with a deal in place.

2) Ensures our post-Brexit trading arrangements do not disadvantage UK pork producers and expose producers and consumers to cheap imports produced to standards that are not acceptable in the UK. 

3) Ensures the pig sector continues to have sufficient access to permanent EU labour after we leave the EU. 

4) Ensures sufficient resources are put in place at ports and airports to keep deadly viruses like African swine fever (ASF) out of the country. 

5) Ensures that our post-Brexit agricultural policy strikes the right balance between delivering public goods and championing productive agriculture, and understands and promotes the unique diversity of pig production systems in the UK. 

NPA chairman Richard Lister will be writing to Mr Johnson to explain our position in more detail on these key issues.

NPA chief executive Zoe Davies said: “We will be making sure Boris is fully aware that this is a ‘can do’ industry that is optimistic about our future. We will set out what measures we want to see to ensure the future of iconic British pork products.  

“But Boris comes into the post with a massive task on his hands to deliver a Brexit deal that works for the country. The outcome will have an enormous impact on the pig sector and wider agricultural industry, when it comes to our future trading relations, labour access, regulation, national biosecurity controls and future agricultural policy.

“We will continue to make our voice head at all levels of Government as the new era begins.”

More information

To read more about the NPA's position on Brexit, click here and on the proposed tariff regime, click here

To read more about our position on EU labour, click here

To read more about our position on keeping ASF out of the country, click here

To read our response to Defra's Health and Harmony consultation, click here