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NPA welcomes Farm Vet Champions

23rd Apr 2021 / By Rebecca Veale

The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons is embarking on a major collaborative project to unite and empower UK farm animal vets to establish good antimicrobial stewardship in their practices and on farms.

Whilst Red Tractor assured producers have specialist advice from Pig Veterinary Society (PVS) registered vets, some smaller producers can struggle to access specialised expertise.

The Farm Vet Champion initiative, spearheaded by RUMA and funded by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate, aims to ensure specialist veterinary advice is available to all producers, whether small or large, by providing training to mixed practice vets, or vets which focus predominantly on small animal medicine.

A Farm Vet Champion will act as a steward within their work setting for the responsible use of medicines.

NPA Senior Policy Adviser, Becca Veale, said: “Whilst things won’t change for our members, it will mean that the approach to health, welfare and responsible medicine use for all pigs will be more consistent.

"As a sector the 63% reduction in antibiotic use since 2015 demonstrates the dedication from pig producers and their vets to the responsible use of medicines.

"The expertise from PVS vets is integral to the progress achieved, for smaller producers to be able to access more specialised advice can only be of benefit to the wider pig sector.”