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NPA welcomes extension of isotope testing

5th Jul 2019 / By Alistair Driver

AHDB is extending isotope testing on pork to include local butcher shops.

Isotope testing, indicates where an animal was raised, enabling checks to be made on country of origin claims. If tests reveal that meat being sold as British does not originate from Britain, the appropriate authorities can take action to address the situation.

Until now, routine isotope testing of pork products claiming to be British has been limited to the large retailers.

But the NPA has been pushing for the practice to be rolled out more widely, including in butcher shops in order to provide further reassurance that labelling is honest and UK producers are receiving the premium they earn for the industry’s high standards of production.

Angela Christison, AHDB’s pork strategy director said: “Retailers and butchers across the country are championing British pork and we need to protect these businesses. We all have a part to play in retaining consumer confidence and trust around our food.

“Extending the reach of this robust science will help protect the integrity of the British pig industry.”

NPA chief executive Zoe Davies welcomed the decision. “The NPA Producer Group asked for SIRA testing to be extended to butchers and farm shops, so we are pleased that AHDB has taken this on board. We need to do everything in our power to ensure honest labelling of pork products,” she said.