PIC webinar sets out how pig farms can reduce COVID-19 risk
28th Apr 2020 / By Alistair Driver
PIC has staged a very useful webinar explaining how producers can protect workers and sustain businesses during the COVID-19 outbreak.
The webinar, introduced by Steve Furniss, PIC’s commercial director for the UK and Ireland (pictured) from his Norfolk home, was presented from the company’s Barcelona office by Tim Snider, PIC’s director of health assurance for Europe, Russia and Africa.
The webinar can be viewed here https://vimeo.com/411353691/fec5118dda
Mr Furniss explained that the aim of the series of PIC webinars is to support customers and partners with personal business information during the period of COVID-19 restrictions.
Mr Snider explained how protecting health of pig farm workers was one of PIC’s highest priorities, pointing out that people who work in pig units are ‘specialised technicians who understand disease transmission’.
“Keeping pig farm workers healthy helps ensure the wellbeing of animals that we care for,” he said.
The presentation went on to give an in-depth analysis of COVID-19 transmission and set out the steps pig farmers and their staff can take to protect themselves and their team members.
Among those to view the webinar was NPA vice chairman Rob Mutimer, who urged others to do the same. “This was a really useful webinar that explained what we know about the virus so far and how it is transmitted, including in people who are recovering from infection.
“There is some important advice in there about what we could be doing on farms to reduce the risk, so it really is worth your time to watch it.”