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Pig Industry Scholarship Programme offers benefits for all parties

2nd Apr 2024 / By Hugh Crabtree

In the March issue of Pig World, Hugh Crabtree, Farmex director and AHDB board member, highlights the benefits for all parties of the Pig Industry Scholarship Programme

Hugh Crabtree 12The Pig Industry Scholarship Programme (PISP) is an industry initiative provided through collaboration between AHDB, the National Pig Association and Harper Adams University.

UK agriculture is facing a big challenge in finding the talent it needs to feed a growing population, while lowering its environmental impact. Technology is progressing in all sectors and so bright new people are needed to manage it. 

PISP came about because the UK pig industry recognised this and the need to excite more young people about the huge range of opportunities on offer - whether that is pig production management, veterinary science, food processing and manufacture, genetic science, pharmaceuticals or engineering in all its forms.

PISP has spent over a decade establishing itself as an important player in providing graduate talent to the UK pig industry. More than 50 scholarships have been awarded by 19 companies after considering nearly 370 applications. 

The programme is managed by a steering group of industry and university people, chaired by me, while AHDB provides the vital resource umbrella to operate it. For years, Harper Adams University has collaborated with industry – it is in its DNA. 

At Harper, every student undertakes a 12-month industrial placement as part of their degree, and this results in a very high level of graduate employment. Harper’s Development Trust is excellent at helping businesses find the right talent. 

Now we need to grow the number of companies offering scholarships by helping them realise the value of PISP in recruitment.

The process of completing the programme is straightforward and Harper’s Development Trust provides hands-on support throughout. 

There is a wide range of interests, skills, and talents available in each cohort of students, and the programme ensures companies offering scholarship placements get access to the pick of the crop. 

It is important for companies to remember, though, that it is a competitive market and recognise the need to sell themselves to prospective graduate recruits.

The pig industry will continue to work with Harper Adams University, who have been excellent partners and can offer so much experience. 

However, we look forward to the day when we have to extend our reach to other schools because the programme is so successful!

For more details, contact Doris Taylor from the Development Trust at Harper Adams University: