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Pig producers urged to have a say on review of Farming Rules for Water

14th Dec 2020 / By Alistair Driver

Defra is seeking the views of pig producers, among others, to inform its review of the Farming Rules for Water.

The rules came into force in 2018 with the aim of preventing nutrient pollution and protecting water quality. The government has committed to reviewing these by April 2, 2021 and Defra wants to consider evidence and suggestions from a range of sources and has asked the NPA for a response. Therefore, we need to know what our members think.

The agency has drafted some key questions based and is looking for feedback on the following:

  • To what extent (if at all) do you think the Farming Rules for Water have been effective in reducing nutrient pollution from agriculture?
  • Do the rules provide a proportionate baseline regulation for land managers?
  • How well understood are the rules among land managers?  Are there any issues with the provisions that land managers struggle with?
  • What is your view about compliance with and enforcement of the rules?
  • What are the costs associated with complying with the rules, both for individual farms and farming industries as a group? Have these presented challenges to farmers?
  • Have there been any unintended effects of the rules on land managers?
  • Is there an opportunity to reduce the burden of these regulations? If so can you describe any examples or options on how this could be done?
  • Is the existing type of regulation (focused on outcomes) the correct approach to regulating agriculture?

Written responses are needed by January 15. 

How to respond

Please send response to NPA policy services officer Lizzie Wilson (, by January 8, who will collate all responses into a single industry response. 

Lizzie said: “This is an important piece of legislation and we really want as many people as possible to respond as possible, to provide information to Defra on just how the rules are working and how they could be improved.

"This has not come at the ideal time, but the more people response the more strength our arguments will have.”