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Pigmeat production up 8% during first five months of 2021

14th Jun 2021 / By Alistair Driver

UK pigmeat production was up by 8% year-on-year during the first five months of 2021, as throughputs and carcase weights exceeded 2020 levels. 

Slaughterings and production were both down year-on-year in January, as the pig backlog, which started in the autumn continued to build.

But there was strong recovery in slaughterings over the following four months and with carcase weights well ahead of last year, the result was a year-on-year increase of in pig production of 30,500 tonnes to 431,300 tonnes during the first five months of the year.

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Pig meat production actually fell by 5% on the previous month in May to total 82,800 tonnes, but was still up by 12,000 tonnes (17%) on the same month last year, according to Defra figures. While slaughterings in England, Wales and Northern Ireland were up, Scotland saw a 26% year-on-year drop to 21,000 head, reflecting plant issues. 

UK prod May 21

Carcase weights for finished pigs dropped by 0.7kg (1%) during May compared to the previous month, totalling 87.1kg. Carcase weights were however still 1.1kg above the same month last year

GB deadweight pig prices have been on an upwards trajectory over the last few months. Reports suggest the supply of finished pigs is tighter at the moment, both here and on the continent, which has been supporting prices, AHDB analyst Charlie Reeve said.