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Poultry housing order to be lifted

22nd Mar 2021 / By Rebecca Veale

Defra, Welsh Government and Scottish Government have announced that the compulsory housing measures for poultry and captive birds are set to be lifted at 23:59 on March 31.

The risk of avian influenza to both wild and kept birds has reduced to ‘medium’, as such the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) requiring enhanced biosecurity will remain in force. High standards of biosecurity remain essential for all birds, commercial and backyard, as infection may still be present in the environment.

Bird keepers are advices to keep taking extra precautions, such as cleaning and disinfecting equipment and vehicles, limiting access to non-essential people on site, and anyone coming into contact with the birds changing their clothing and footwear before entering bird enclosures.

Pig producers are reminded that if they have birds on their unit, commercial or backyard, then restrictions can be placed on the pigs also if there is an outbreak of avian flu on the farm, or the unit falls in the restriction zone around an outbreak.

In a joint statement Great Britain’s three Chief Veterinary Officers said: “This will be welcome news for poultry keepers across the country who have put great effort into keeping their flocks safe this winter.

"We have taken swift action to contain and eliminate this disease and all bird keepers - whether they have just a few birds or thousands - must continue do their bit to maintain strict biosecurity measures on their premises so that we do not lose the progress that we have made over the past few months.”

If members have a query about the change in requirements then please contact NPA Senior Policy Adviser, Becca Veale –