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RABI launches new community and counselling service

22nd Oct 2020 / By Andrea Tranter

RABI counselling

Farming charity RABI has launched a new wellbeing community and counselling service initiative as part of its evolving strategy to reach more farming people across England and Wales.

With 2020 bringing so many different uncertainties and unexpected changes pressures on producers are ever increasing, this new online service aims to help assist with these challenges. 

The new feature has two distinct sites for adults and a service specifically for children aged 11-17 years old. Both sites are free and confidential to use and are provided by leaders in online support. 

The sites offer dedicated farmer friendly content that addresses farmer specific challenges, including loneliness, Brexit anxiety, animal health and farm debt to name but a few.

Alicia Chivers, RABI’s chief executive, said: “We know that farmers have continued to face exceptionally difficult times. Managing mental wellbeing and maintaining good mental health has emerged as one of the most significant issues facing our sector, which is already known for its higher than average levels of stress, depression, anxiety, and suicide.

“Our aim is to make a real difference to the farming community that RABI has been dedicated to for the past 160 years. We believe early intervention and one-to-one support are essential to ensuring good mental health and tackling the root causes of poor wellbeing. We believe that providing confidential, easily accessible, free online support can make a real difference to a wide audience.”

Important tool 

As a mental health ambassador for NPA, I feel this is an important tool for all our members and their families to access to help in the aid in maintaining and supporting good mental health.

For further information on the services provided by RABI please visit or if you find yourself in crisis please contact Samaritans 24 hours a day in confidence on 116 123