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Resource efficiency and waste - key actions for farmers

20th Jan 2021 / By

The Environment Agency has published a document summariisng 'Key Actions for Farmers' when it comes to resource efficiency and waste. 

You can view the document HERE

The aim of the document is to present a clear set of messages and actions that farmers can take to manage their environmental impact, covering three themes:

  • Manage resources sustainably (reduce, reuse and then recycle)
  • Manage waste well (clean, separate and store for collection)
  • Protect livelihoods (soil, water, crops, livestock welfare)

These messages are a collation of existing regulatory requirements and good practice and do not supersede other rules such as the Water Resources (Control of Pollution) (Silage, Slurry and Agricultural Fuel Oil) Regulations (SSAFO) and the Farming Rules for Water.