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Strategic Farm meeting tonight in Wetherby

15th Jan 2018 / By Alistair Driver

The fourth open meeting with AHDB Pork Strategic Farmer, David Goodier takes place this  evening in Wetherby.

Producers and the allied industry are invited to hear details of the on-farm changes and discuss latest results. Mr Goodier will review his overall performance against targets and current activities, including the progress being made to understand why the unit is not achieving the target exit weight from the rearing herd and how the new finishing building is performing. The agenda will also include:

  • Gilt and young sow management
  • Nutrition
  • Ventilation
  • Water quality

The meeting is at The Bridge Hotel, Wetherby, LS22 5HS, 6.00pm to 8.30pm and there will be dinner during the evening.

Register by emailing or calling 01904 771 212.

AHDB Pork is looking for four producers to become new Strategic Farm hosts in 2018. For more on this story, see Pig World