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Volunteers wanted to test new livestock traceability service

26th Mar 2021 / By Alistair Driver

The new Livestock Information Service is seeking help to test help it build the new multi-species livestock traceability service for England. 

It is looking for good quality input and feedback from farmers and the livestock industry. T

This new single, multi-species service will incrementally replace ARAMS, CTS Online and eAML2 – the current systems for sheep, cattle and pigs.

Having progressed development of the new online system with different users from various farming systems and backgrounds, it is now expanding our user group to form wider 'user communities' who will help further review and test the online system and help develop the right ‘fit for purpose’ service.

"We're looking for all kinds of people – farmers, farm secretaries, auctioneers, abattoir managers; from smallholders who record livestock movements on paper or by phone - through to larger farmers who use current online services or farm software.  We respect that time is valuable – any input would be to suit those who would like to help," LIS said. 

More details here: 

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