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We Eat Balanced campaign proves a hit with young consumers

29th Mar 2022 / By Alistair Driver

AHDB’s We Eat Balanced TV advert successfully communicated that meat and dairy can be part of a balanced diet, with 90% of consumers getting the message, research shows.

Two different consumer age groups said the likelihood of them buying meat or dairy had risen after being exposed to the £3.5 million campaign, which ran throughout January and February.

We Eat Balanced, which is in its second year, played out on TV screens, social media and in print, and was seen by nearly 24 million UK households – delivering important messages around health, sustainability and Britain’s world-class food and farming standards.

The TV advert, featuring nine-year-old Nancy and her grandfather, proved a hit with consumers – particularly young adults. 65% of this category,   demographic which has historically been harder to reach, liked the commercial, and 82% found it interesting.

After seeing the campaign, purchase intent for meat on the next shop among the 34 to 49 age group rose five percentage points to 77%, while dairy saw a six-percentage point increase to 84% among the 16 to 34-year-olds.

Following the campaign, consumer perceptions that meat and dairy from Britain is produced sustainably grew significantly – up five and eight percentage points to 41% and 51% respectively

We Eat Balanced also drove significant uplifts in attitudes around health, with the number of consumers seeing meat and dairy as a source of vitamin B12 rising five and four percentage points to 30% and 34% respectively.

The campaign, which was aimed at people who were looking to reduce the amount of meat and dairy they consumed, also generated nearly 45 million impressions across social media and video-on-demand.

AHDB Director of Marketing Liam Byrne said: “The campaign has played an important part in helping counteract the sensationalist headlines by helping to position the positive role that red meat and dairy from Britain can play as part of a healthy and sustainable diet.

The campaign focused on three key messages – red meat and dairy as a source of Vitamin B12, Britain’s world-class production standards and that red meat and dairy from Britain is among the most sustainable in the world.

We Eat Balanced forms part of AHDB’s work in challenging misinformation around red meat and dairy. AHDB has successfully challenged inaccurate claims made by Meatless Farm Company and Oatly with the Advertising Standards Authority.

In spring 2022, AHDB will be asking all eligible levy payers to shape its work and priorities. Registration is open until March 31.