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We need your views on lorry washing facilities

9th Sep 2019 / By Rebecca Veale

Muck Free Truck stickerAs part of the #MuckFreeTruck campaign AHDB has launched a questionnaire to get a feel for the standard of lorry washing facilities at markets and abattoirs across England.

Farmers and hauliers are invited to spare a few minutes to complete the questionnaire if they visit abattoirs or markets. The results will help to identify good lorry wash practices and highlight where improvements can be made.


Recent mapping work shows that even if you are only transporting pigs to slaughter, and abide by all the standstill regulations, you are still at risk. In fact, the longer that lorries are left contaminated, the quicker disease can spread. Just a single day of contamination will reduce the effectiveness of all biosecurity efforts by half. Having the right facilities to enable you to wash out properly is therefore imperative – if we know where the problems are we can try and improve the situation.

Don’t forget to get involved in the #MuckFreeTruck campaign… posters and farm gate signs can be ordered from AHDB