Still time to register for NPA Webinar today!
5th May 2020 / By Alistair Driver
There is still time to register for the second NPA webinar, which will take place at 3pm on today.
The webinar, which will be presented by the NPA's Lizzie Wilson and Rebecca Veale, will include an update on how the pig sector has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and how NPA has responded to the crisis on behalf of members.
There will also be updates on other key industry issues, such as the new Pig Welfare Code, African swine fever, antibiotic targets and environmental regulation.
The NPA organised two webinars to replace the four Spring Regionals, which have been cancelled due to coronavirus. The first took place on April 21, and was very well received by the healthy number of people who viewed it, with people who logged in describing it as an extremely useful update.
How to view the webinar
The online webinar will take place from 3-5pm.
The webinars will be broadcast live, allowing you to ask questions during the event, while you can also submit any questions you have in advance.
To register to join by either video or by phone, please email
The invite cannot be forwarded to others – members or otherwise.
The Webinar will be held on Skype for Business which you can download for free in your app store on your phone, tablet, pc or laptop.
Alternatively there will be a contact number you can call to listen in on.
You can find the link to download Skype for business here and find out more about how to use the app by clicking here