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YNPA Challenge 21!

31st May 2021 / By Rebecca Veale

Today YNPA members have kicked off their charity challenge, YNPA Challenge 21, where they hope to collectively travel 883 miles to raise £883 for FCN.

YNPA challenge883 may seem like an odd target but because the group can’t complete a challenge in person the YNPA Steering Group picked a target which unites all members in their passion for British pork – it is the distance between the NPA ‘Put British Pork on Your Fork’ banners from the furthest north to south and east to west.

YNPA joint Vice Chair Jonathan McKechnie said: “We really wanted to do something positive for charity this year, it’s not been the easiest time for many people and this was a way to raise some much needed funds for a charity which supports our farming community so well.”

Jack Bosworth, YNPA joint Vice Chair added: “It was also really important to do something that unites us as YNPA, we may not be walking, running or cycling side by side but we’ll be there in spirit to cheer each other on as well!”

The group will be adorning pink t-shirts to travel their miles so keep an eye out for members on footpaths and cycle paths near you! If you’re a social media fan we’ll be using the hashtags, #YNPAChallenge21 #PutBritishPorkOnYourFork so do keep up with their progress on Twitter as well.

 Please cheer YNPA on whether in person or online and follow the Just Giving link if you’d like to show your support with a donation.

Fancy getting involved?

There is still time to get involved if you wish, simply email Andrea and she’ll send you a form to complete, make a £10 donation to the Just Giving page, and get your trainers/wellies on! It’s open to everyone so you don’t have to be a YNPA member.


The Farming Community Network (FCN) is a voluntary organisation and charity that supports farmers and families within the farming community through difficult times. They have over 400 volunteers that provide support and also operate Farming Help, a confidential helpline for those in need.