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Event Details

YNPA National

7th Dec 2021 12:00

When: Tuesday 7th December 2021

Where: Mothers Union, Mary Sumner House, 24 Tufton Street, London, SW1 3RB

Time: Lunch from 12.00pm, meeting proper at 13.00pm

Dinner: 19.30 at the Munich Cricket Club, 61-71 Victoria Street, London SW1P 2LU

Accommodation: Premier Inn, County Hall, Belvedere Road, Westminster SE1 7PB  (rooms are on a shared B&B basis)

Once again we have organised a stimulating agenda, aided by a couple of specially selected guests! This year, the meeting will focus on the future of the NPA, our strategy and how YNPA can help develop how we function in future, considering the predicted evolution of the pig industry following the various challenges we have and will continue to face.

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