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YNPA get media savvy

13th Feb 2023 / By Rebecca Veale

Last week AHDB ran a media training session for Young NPA members to arm them with the tools to engage with both traditional and social media.

John and Jess from AHDB brought the topic to life by sharing their wisdom and expertise, offering the group plenty of tips and trips along the way. The group tried out all they’d learnt for themselves during the day and went away with more confidence and skill to engage with traditional media such as print and broadcast journalists and social media through Instagram and Twitter.

Joe Lunt, Nutritionist at Zarkos-Smith Associates, attended the course and said: “The social media training has made me rethink how I approach the advertising of the company I work for and gave me lots of tips that I will put into practice.”

The YNPA Steering Group has plans underway for other events this year and updates will come via email and Piggy Points.