#VaccinesWork campaign launched
7th Jan 2020 / By Rebecca Veale
Vaccinations play a key role in preserving pig welfare, productivity, sustainability and resilience of pig units.
This week we’re reminded of some key messages as part of the Vaccines Work campaign run by the National Office for Animal Health (NOAH).
Vaccine storage tips
- Correct storage between 2-8 degrees (fridge storage) – incorrect storage temperature impacts vaccine potency
- Keeping cool on the road – use a cooler box/bag when transporting vaccines (30 minutes in a hot environment will render it ineffective)
- Use a dedicated medicines fridge
- Middle of the fridge has the most constant temperature
- Store vaccines in date order and use in sequence – ONLY USE vaccines in date
If vaccines are not stored correctly, it can make them less effective, and therefore costly in terms of pig health.
The campaign will feature daily updates and advice on using vaccines correctly on Twitter. Follow #VaccinesWork on Twitter