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28th Jul 2016


Brexit triggers largest-ever NFU consultation

An options paper detailing the NFU's vision for British agriculture post-Brexit has been agreed by its national policy board.

28th Jul 2016


Price recovery continues

The European Union pig price has comfortably overtaken last year's average price at this time, and is now within a gnat's whisker of hitting the European Union five-year average.

15th Jul 2016


Pig slaughterings down again

United Kingdom clean pig slaughterings last month were 0.8 percent lower...

13th Jul 2016


Pig producers look to the future with confidence

Despite the many uncertainties ahead, British pig producers have a bright future outside the European Union...

3rd Jul 2016


Pig producers make outstanding progress in recording use of antibiotics

In less than two months, antibiotic data for over 1.2m pigs has already been contributed by pig producers...