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An update from Ladies in Pigs - working hard for your pig industry!

15th Feb 2023 / By Debbie Wilson

As 2023 is now well underway, here at Ladies in Pigs (LIPs) we thought we’d give you an update on what is going on and how we are working closely with NPA to ensure that the British pig industry flag is flown!

We have another full calendar  of events across the UK with some new additions and some old favourites.  Shows being attended this year include – Devon, Lincolnshire, Great Yorkshire Show, Kelso amongst others.  We endeavour to have a good mix of recipes to showcase the versatility of pork and bacon as well as lots of interactive educational activities for younger visitors.

We have recruited a number of new members recently who work within the industry, and are as keen and passionate as the rest of the team to spread the word. We are always looking for new members to join the team whether you actively want to help with shows and education days or as a friend of Ladies in Pigs to show your support for the work we do without being actively involved in the day to day work of the organisation. Ladies in Pigs is open to all (not just ladies!)  If you are reading this would like to become involved, please contact me –on 07376 083447 or email at for more details.  Alternatively, you can have a look on our website

We would like to thank those companies that have continued to support us as sponsors, especially in these dire times.  If you or your company  would like to sponsor  LIPs or know of someone who can;  please contact Natalie our Sponsorship secretary  for more information on ways to get sponsor us.  Please email  or complete the contact form at Corporate Sponsorship – Ladies In Pigs.  Sponsorship can come in many different forms, it may be financial help that you can offer, it may be that you are able to offer volunteer days through your company to help at events, or you may be able to help provide essential equipment for us to continue delivering shows and educational days.

NPA has always been actively involved in the work of Ladies in Pigs and have been  for a long time, Andrea Tranter NPA’s Office Manager, is one of my Vice-Chairs along with Susannah Gimson.  We are happy to announce that as part of our continued relationship NPA’s CEO Lizzie Wilson, will be presenting at our Spring Social and AGM in April.

Lizzie Wilson said “I’m happy to be attending the LIPs Spring Social and AGM to give an update to LIPs members on the work NPA is doing behind the scenes for its members. NPA has always supported the important work Ladies in Pigs undertakes, and that support will continue into the future, educating the next generation is vital to encourage people to buy British pork, but also to make them aware of career opportunities within the industry.”.

As part of our continued growth and plan to engage and reach a wider audience we are continuing to grow on our social media platforms you can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even TikTok. We are also trialling a recipe only app called Peckish, where you can view and upvote (save) recipes from our collection. We would really appreciate if you would help spread the word of Ladies in Pigs by liking, sharing, saving our posts on the above platforms and by giving us a follow.


We continue to fight tooth and nail to ensure that as many people as possible, know and learn about our amazing industry and the career opportunities that the British pig industry offer, and that British Pork and Bacon is produced to some of the highest standards in the world. With NPA’s and your continued support Ladies in Pigs can deliver for you.

ladies in pigs