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YNPA appoints new vice chair

20th Feb 2023 / By Alistair Driver

Lee Thompson has been appointed as vice-chair of the Young NPA.

Lee ThompsonA longstanding member of YNPA, Lee has worked for both producer and allied NPA members over the years. He joins pig producer Flavian Obiero as a vice-chair, supporting YNPA chair Samantha Carmichael.

Lee said he was delighted to be taking on the role. “YNPA has always been a great organisation for networking, learning and socialising – and we’ve got some big plans for the rest of 2023!

“Having enjoyed being a member for some time, I am really pleased to be part of the team that takes YNPA forward!”

Lee was the deserved winner of the 2020 Special Achievement Award at the National Pig Awards in recognition of his work in encouraging people to talk about their mental health through his ‘Flat White Chats’ podcast.

YNPA is open to NPA members or employees of NPA members that are under 40.

  • Find out more about YNPA membership HERE