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Home > News > Defra self-assessment form to help ensure compliance with avian flu restrictions

Defra self-assessment form to help ensure compliance with avian flu restrictions

1st Dec 2020 / By Alistair Driver

Defra has created a self-assessment form to help all keepers of poultry and other captive birds provide assurance that they are compliant with the measures applying within the national Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ).

The required risk mitigation measures should be considered as the minimum necessary. All keepers are encouraged to exceed this where possible.

The assessment form can be found at the bottom of this guidance.

You can view more biosecurity advice HERE.

Cases of avian flu in domestic and wild birds have been identified all over the country in recent weeks, including a case of High Path H5N8 avian flu confirmed over the weekend on a 10,500 place turkey farm in Northallerton, in North Yorkshire. Some NPA members have already been affected.  

If avian flu is found in birds on your unit, movement restrictions will be put in place, which can have implications for your pigs and the wider supply chain.

The NPA continues to urge all members with poultry on their unit (whether commercial or backyard) to follow strict biosecurity measures. We also remind producers with ponds and standing water to net these areas (where possible) to deter wild birds from utilising them.

We’ve put together a Q&A, which can be viewed in our Members' Area Hot Topics section.