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NPA Election 2021: Former PG chair throws his hat into the ring

1st Dec 2020 / By Alistair Driver

The latest nomination for election to the Pig Industry Group (PIG) comes from high-profile figure in the pig industry and a former Producer Goup chairman.  

Howard Revell is BQP's production director and a familiar face to members as a former PG member and chair. He becomes the second nominee from the Eastern region.

"The NPA have a successful, dedicated team that deserve the very best support of the whole industry, and I am ready to commit my full energy and support to the NPA PIG, if elected," he said in his manifesto.

You can read his full manifesto HERE 

We have now received three producer nominations and five nominations from the allied industries. Voting for the 17 places on the new PIG will commence in January. 

  • For more information on the NPA elections, including how to nominate, election rules, the timetable, the new NPA structure and updates on who is standing and their manifestos, CLICK HERE
  • To read what key NPA figures have to say about the elections, CLICK HERE