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BVA sends New Year message to vets in languages of 27 member states

2nd Jan 2017 / By Alistair Driver

At the start of a year which is likely to see the Article 50 process triggered, the British Veterinary Association (BVA) has sent New Year greetings to vets around the world in the languages of the EU. 

bvaThe BVA and its specialist divisions, including the Pig Veterinary Society, have extended New Year’s greetings to colleagues across the profession in the languages of the 27 member states of the EU in a clear statement of the profession's concerns over Brexit.

In an open letter published on the BVA website, the veterinary organisations who have signed it make clear that 'colleagues from all over the world are valued and invaluable to the veterinary profession in the UK'.

BVA president Gudrun Ravetz said: “My theme for my year as BVA President is the veterinary family and it has never been more important to pull together as one profession, whoever you are, and wherever you come from.

"We are delighted that there has been such an overwhelming response to this idea from Andrew Cobner, the president of the British Cattle Veterinary Association.

"Together with the RCVS, BVA has made clear to government our concerns about the working rights of our EU colleagues post-Brexit – as well as the potential impact on standards of animal health and welfare, and public health – and we will continue to do so.”

The UK veterinary profession is highly dependent on EU labour and is concerned at the lack of clarity on the future status of EU citizens in the UK, fears shared across the pig sector.

A survey by the NPA has highlighted the extent to which the sector relies on EU labour. The NPA has joined forces with the poultry profession to warn Ministers of the potential serious impact on UK pig and poultry production if the supply of EU labour is restricted post-Brexit.

To see the NPA's position on EU labour and other key Brexit issues click here

The BVA's New Year greetings

Happy New Year

Bonne année

šťastný Nový rok

Godt NytÅr

Gelukkig nieuwjaar

Hyvää uutta vuotta
Frohes neues Jahr 
Kali chronya 

Boldog új évet

Felice anno nuovo

Szczesliwego nowego roku

Feliz año nuevo

Chestita nova godina

Sretna Nova godina

Mutlu Yıllar

Head uut aastat

Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh

Laimīgu Jauno gadu

Laimingų Naujųjų metų

Is-sena t-tajba

Feliz Ano Novo

An Nou Fericit

Bliadhna Mhath Ùr

Srečno novo leto

Gott nytt år

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

Urte berri on

Feliç any nou

Feliz ano novo


Signed by BVA and these BVA specialist divisions:

Association of Government Veterinarians

Association of Veterinarians in Industry

Association of Veterinary Students

British Cattle Veterinary Association

British Equine Veterinary Association

British Small Animal Veterinary Association

British Veterinary Association

British Veterinary Poultry Association

British Veterinary Zoological Society

Fish Veterinary Society

Goat Veterinary Society

Pig Veterinary Society

Sheep Veterinary Society

Society of Greyhound Vets

Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons

Veterinary Deer Society
Veterinary Public Health Association