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Defra unveils plans for new environmental land management schemes

6th Jan 2022 / By Alistair Driver

Defra Secretary George Eustice has unveiled details of two new environmental land management schemes, as part of the ongoing transformation of agricultural policy in England.

The Local Nature Recovery scheme will pay farmers for locally-targeted actions which boost nature in the farmed landscape, such as creating wildlife habitats, planting trees, adding hedgerows to fields, restoring peat and wetland areas, reducing run-off and mitigating flood risk by installing flood reservoirs.

Defra described it as ‘the improved and more ambitious successor’ to the Countryside Stewardship scheme in England. 

An early version of the Local Nature Recovery scheme will be trialled in 2023 with a full roll-out across the country from 2024.

The Landscape Recovery scheme will support more radical changes to land-use change and habitat restoration such as establishing new nature reserves, restoring floodplains, or creating woodland and wetlands.

You can read more HERE