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Details of new autumn pork marketing campaign unveiled

5th Apr 2017 / By Alistair Driver

A new levy-funded campaign promoting pork steaks as a mid-week meal option is set to launch in the autumn, aiming to build on the success of the Pulled Pork campaign. 

pork loinDefra has just given the green light to a marketing proposal from AHDB Pork, which has committed an extra £1m to marketing British pork over the course of its draft three year strategy. The extra funding will be weighted heavily towards this year.

The new campaign will target the lucrative midweek market, AHDB Pork strategy director Mick Sloyan told the NPA South Central spring regional meeting in Newbury on Tuesday.

“We had been waiting on Defra to give us the nod for a campaign that is going to be run in September. That has now been done and we are pressing on,” he said.

“This time we are going to try and tackle the midweek market. We are looking at the loin steak, with a bit of fat around the edge. It won’t be the only thing we go with."

For more on this story, see Pig World