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30th Mar 2017


Focus of future domestic farm policy dependent on trade deal

The focus of a future domestic farming policy will depend on the outcome of any trade deals the UK secures for its post-Brexit future, according to the NFU.

29th Mar 2017


NPA vows to fight to protect post-Brexit UK welfare standards

The NPA has insisted the UK’s high animal welfare standards must not be lowered in pursuit of new trade deals and a post-Brexit cheap food agenda.

27th Mar 2017


Brexit food supply chain coalition calls for EU free trade deal

A coalition of leading food supply chain trade bodies has called on the Government to ensure it secures a two-way tariff-free trade deal with the EU after we leave the union.

21st Mar 2017


NPA chief executive updates FSA board on antibiotic progress

NPA chief executive Zoe Davies has updated the Food Standards Agency's (FSA) board on the progress the pig sector is making in reducing antibiotic usage.

20th Mar 2017


NPA to work with EU colleagues on 'sensible' zinc oxide transition

The NPA will focus its attention persuading the European Commission to permit a 'sensible' transition period, after the CVMP reiterated its recommendation to ban zinc oxide. 

17th Mar 2017


EU committee stands by zinc oxide ban recommendation

An EU veterinary committee has reasserted its view that zinc oxide should be banned at therapeutic levels, following a review of its evidence.

17th Mar 2017


Farmers gain access to pest controller rat bait

A rat bait widely used by professional pest controllers is now being made available to farmers certified under the rodenticide stewardship scheme.

16th Mar 2017


Food and drink supply chain seeks assurances on UK-Ireland trade

The UK food and drink supply chain has come together to call on the Government to make an early agreement on future trade with the Republic of Ireland. 

15th Mar 2017


NI u-turn could lead to further attacks on self-employed farmers - NFU Mutual

Philip Hammond’s u-turn on increasing NI contributions for self-employed people will come as a ‘huge relief’ to the majority of farmers who are self-employed.

14th Mar 2017


VMD backs NPA position on 10-year transition if zinc oxide banned

The Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) is backing the NPA’s calls for a 10-year transition period, if zinc oxide is banned in piglet feed.