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7th Aug 2017


Upload your 2017 data to eMB now to ensure new Red Tractor requirement is met

The latest version of the Red Tractor Pigs Standard will come into force from October 2017.

4th Aug 2017


Farming organisations call for Brexit transition period

A coalition of UK farming organisations, including NPA, have called for a transition period to ease the impact on the industry of leaving the EU. 

3rd Aug 2017


Defra levels up risk rating of ASF as new cases found

Defra will be raising the risk level of African Swine Fever from ‘very low’ to ‘low’ following recent cases discovered in Romania the Czech Republic and Poland. 

The tool that Defra uses to measure risk uses a number of factors such as trade with the country, distribution of disease and confidence in controls by the country affected.

2nd Aug 2017


ASF UK pig industry's biggest exotic disease concern

The risk of African Swine Fever (ASF) entering the UK pig population has been identified as number one exotic diseases concern for the industry.

1st Aug 2017


African Swine Fever continues its deadly spread

African Swine Fever continues its deadly spread

African Swine Fever has been identified for the first time in Romania, in domestic pigs on a backyard holding. Whilst the source is stated as unknown, humans are most likely to be the cause as many of these European countries struggle to express the importance of not feeding swill to back yard pig keepers.

1st Aug 2017


Report highlights below average UK farm antibiotic use

UK farm animal use of antibiotics is comparatively low against many of its European neighbours, according to a European report.

31st Jul 2017


Farmers and vets urged to stick by antibiotic guidelines

Farmers and vets are being urged to continue following current prescription guidelines and completing courses of animal treatments.

26th Jul 2017


BVA demands Brexit clarity on welfare standards

The BVA has demanded clarity from the Government on animal welfare standards, following the publication of a House of Lords report.

25th Jul 2017


NPA welcomes Lords report into post-Brexit import risk

The NPA has welcomed a House of Lords report warning of the threat to UK producers of allowing the country to be flooded by low standard food imports.

25th Jul 2017


Lords committee echoes NPA concerns over post-Brexit cheap food policy

A Lords committee has warned UK producers would be placed at a competitive disadvantage if Brexit resulted in a flood of lower standard imports.