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28th Feb 2017


Retailers importing more bacon - latest Porkwatch survey

The latest Porkwatch survey shows retailers are importing considerably more bacon than a year ago, when UK producer prices were in a downward spiral.

27th Feb 2017


Online sellers of rodenticides given rules reminder

Online sellers of rodenticides have been reminded that the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime requires the same stringent point-of-sale controls for them as for all other outlets.

25th Feb 2017


WTO confirms Russian pork ban is illegal

The World Trade Organisation has confirmed that Russia’s import ban on live pigs, pork and other pig products from the EU violates international trade rules.

24th Feb 2017


AMR report highlights need for action - RUMA

A report showing bacteria found in humans, animals and food continues to show resistance to widely used antimicrobials highlights the need for action. 

21st Feb 2017


NFU seeks Brexit clarity from Leadsom

NFU president Meurig Raymond sought clarity from Andrea Leadsom on what Brexit will mean for UK farmers on the opening day of the NFU's conference. 

21st Feb 2017


'I doubt UK farmers know what's coming' - Brexit concerns voiced

Farmers have been warned profitability could be badly affected if the UK fails to secure a trade deal with the EU at the point we leave the union. 

20th Feb 2017


Defra publishes avian flu guidance for pig producers

Defra has published guidance for pig farmers clarifying how their businesses are affected by avian flu restrictions in place across the country. 

17th Feb 2017


EU-Canada deal will not compromise production standards - Commission

The European Commission has insisted the new EU-Canada global trade deal will not compromise the EU’s standards of production.

17th Feb 2017


Industry urged to continue responsible rodenticide use

The farmimg industry has been warned it must continue to to demonstrate responsible use of rodenticide products in order to avoid further restrictions.

16th Feb 2017


Full transcript of NPA EFRA hearing published

The full transcript of NPA chief executive Zoe Davies' evidence session evidence session to MPs on the EFRA Committee is now available online.