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FSA seeking information from exporters of feed products of animal origin

13th Feb 2019 / By Alistair Driver

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is asking all businesses that currently export feed products of animal origin (POAO) into the EU to contact it.

The agency is working with Defra to list the approved UK establishments and gather information from them to ensure they can continue exporting products to the EU after the UK's departure, scheduled for March 29. 

The FSA wrote to all approved establishments in November and January, regarding action that must be taken by those that wish to continue the export trade post-Brexit. 

It has now sent a reminder and says it requires information from these businesses by March 4.  

Information required includes confirmation businesses would like to be included on the list of approvals and the product(s) and volume of materials exported to the EU over the last 12 months, as well as the number of consignments dispatched to the EU.

This information to the following FSA email address (Email:, together with your address and contact details, (name, email address and telephone number) and your Local Authority approval or registration number as applicable, where one has been issued.