Farmers urged to check NVZ maps as more notices sent out
25th Jan 2017 / By Alistair Driver
The second of three tranches of Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ) notices, covering the Anglian, South East, South West and Thames River Basin districts, has been sent out this week.
NVZs, designated as being at risk from agricultural nitrate pollution and impose certain limits on storage and spreading of slurry and manure, include about 58 per cent of land in England. You can see the latest map here
The latest changes for 2017 to 2020, which came into force on January 1, have seen a number of new areas designated, while a similar overall area has been de-designated.
Defra is issuing notices for farms in the NVZs in three tranches, with the first, for the Dee, North West, Severn and Solway Tweed regions, sent at the start of January. Tranche 3, covering Humber and Northumbria, is due to be issued on February 20.
Defra is encouraging farmers to check the maps published by the Environment Agency to see whether they are in an NVZ. Farmers can check whether their farm falls within an NVZ by using the What’s in your backyard tool.
If you are in an NVZ but do not receive a designation notice within three days of the tranche date for their area, you should contact the Environment Agency.
Defra believes the majority of farmers in tranche 1 have received their notices and expect the majority in tranche 2 will receive theirs with no difficulty. However, in some instances this will not be the case, for example if the notice has been sent to an agent.
In cases of genuine need, EA is able to send another notice with a revised date if requested to do so. Farmers or their advisers should contact the EA if they would like to follow this up.
Appealing NVZs
You will need a notice in order to lodge an appeal. Click here for details on appealing a decision notice
Defra and EA said they recognised the difficulties for farmers who wish to appeal but receive their notice very late.
If you are uncertain whether your land falls within an NVZ or have difficulty viewing the maps online then you can contact the EA.
Telephone: 03708 506 506 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm)