Producers urged to prepare for HSE inspections
18th Jan 2018 / By Alistair Driver
Pig producers are urged to ensure they are prepared for potential Health & Safety Executive inspections.
The HSE is currently part way through a farm inspection programme. Inspections have so far covered potato harvesting and poultry, with some improvement notices issued and costs of around £500 incurred where shortcomings have been found.
More information from the HSE on its inspection programme is available here
The focus is now moving onto building maintenance and in particular the management of asbestos and working at height covering all sectors, according to the NFU. There is additional information on the NFU website here.
HSE inspections have also focused on manual handling, accommodation and welfare for staff, child safety, falls and machinery guarding and transport.
The HSE remains particularly concerned about agriculture, which represents 1 to 2% of the GB workforce but accounts for up to 20% of reported work related fatalities each year and is the most dangerous sector to work in. The causes of death have remained largely unchanged for many years, for example, workplace transport; struck by falling objects; falls from height; machinery and livestock yet the precautions necessary are well known and guidance is available.
In addition, the industry has a very poor occupational health performance.
There have been increasing calls for a culture change within the industry as a result of its poor safety record.