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How will Brexit affect your business?

12th Jul 2018 / By Alistair Driver

The Government might be struggling to work out where it’s going with Brexit – but producers now have a tool available to gauge how they might be affected by our departure from the EU.

A new online calculator has been launched BY AHDB this week which will allow farmers and growers to see for the first time how they may be affected by potential Brexit scenarios.

The Brexit Impact Calculator allows individuals to input their own data and see what effects the different Brexit scenarios might have on their business.

“Tremendous uncertainty still surrounds the outcome of Brexit negotiations,” said AHDB chief strategy officer Tom Hind. “Nonetheless we believe it’s important that businesses make conscious, proactive and strategic decisions to be fit for the future.

“Last year, we analysed how a range of Brexit scenarios could impact on different farming sectors. Feedback from farmers and growers has indicated that many are unsure how the different scenarios might affect them, so we have now produced a tool to help them better understand what Brexit could mean for their bottom line.”

The calculator is part of a wider tool list which looks at five key areas of the business covering topics ranging from being efficient with resources to financial management and planning for the future. The five areas are:

  • Review of farm business;
  • Profit and performance;
  • Brexit scenario planning;
  • Individual farm performance – technical change; and
  • Getting the most from the marketplace.

The online toolkit also features a resilience check list which uses questions to identify areas of the business that may benefit from additional attention to ensure it is sustainable after Brexit.

The Brexit Impact Calculator can be found HERE and the wider toolkit is available HERE.

NPA chief executive Zoe Davies said: “This is an interesting tool that highlights the range of outcomes for pig farm businesses from the various potential Brexit scenarios. We wait to see what unfolds after the events of the past few days – but, whatever the outcome, it is important to be prepared for the sort of changes that could be coming our way.”