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25th Jun 2018


NPA condemns Asda over shocking British pork figures

The NPA has criticised Asda for its failure to support the British pig industry after the latest Porkwatch survey showed only a third of its pork was British.

20th Jun 2018


NPA welcomes PRRS gene editing PRRS breakthrough

The NPA has welcomed a scientific breakthrough that could in the future protect pigs against, one of the world's most damaging pig diseases. 

19th Jun 2018


EU ban on prophylactic use of antibiotics in groups confirmed

The EU ban on prophylactic use of antibiotics in groups of animals has been confirmed following discussions between the main decision making bodies in Brussels.

15th Jun 2018


Defra aiming to publish Agriculture Bill next month

Defra Secretary Michael Gove has told MPs the Department is planning to publish the Agriculture next month. 

14th Jun 2018


CMO praises pig industry's antibiotic progress

The Government’s Chief Medical Officer has praised the UK pig sector for the progress it has made in reducing antibiotic usage but has stressed the job is still only ‘half done’.

11th Jun 2018


The NPA's post-Brexit vision for the UK pig sector - in summary

In its response to Defra’s Command paper on the future of food, farming and the environment, the NPA has set out a long- term vision for the pig sector.

8th Jun 2018


NPA in talks to develop concerted Forest of Dean feral pig control plan

The NPA is holding talks with various interested parties to try and develop a cohesive plan to manage feral boar in the Forest of Dean.

7th Jun 2018


ASF status remains 'low' as new cases recorded on Ukraine border

African swine fever continues to be reported from affected member states, with new cases being reported by Romania and Hungary, on the border with Ukraine.

6th Jun 2018


NPA welcomes MPs' calls for clarity on food and farming Brexit policy

The NPA has welcomed yet another Parliamentary report that echoes the pig sector’s concerns over Defra’s approach to Brexit.

5th Jun 2018


NPA and PVS express 'extreme concern' over proposed group prophylactic ban

The NPA and the Pig Veterinary Society (PVS) have written to the UK’s CVO expressing ‘extreme concern’ at proposals from Brussels to ban group prophylactic use of antibiotics.