National Pig Association - The voice of the British pig industry

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1st Aug 2018


NPA responds to consumer concerns over method of dispatching sick piglets

While the use of so-called “blunt force trauma” may seem like an act of animal cruelty and can be distressing to watch, this method is recognised as an effective and appropriate way of humanely killing a piglet to prevent it suffering further from pain or illness.

30th Jul 2018


RUMA updates livestock antibiotic target progress

RUMA has released a half-year summary of the UK farming industry’s progress towards achieving 2020 targets for antibiotic use. 

27th Jul 2018


Defra publishes new guide for reducing ammonia emissions

Defra has published a new guide setting out the steps farmers, advisors and contractors can take to reduce ammonia emissions and help improve air quality.  

26th Jul 2018


Major development in the veterinary sector

An interesting development in the veterinary sector. VetPartners has announced the acquisition of the Origin group. 

21st Jul 2018


NPA responds to calls for return of feeding waste to pigs

The pig sector is actively debating the question of whether we could begin feeding heat treated food waste to pigs again, the NPA said.

21st Jul 2018


AHDB agrees to fund to feral wild boar working group

AHDB’s Pork Board has agreed to fund a working group to oversee a project aimed at delivering improved control of the British feral wild boar population.

20th Jul 2018


NPA responds to 'over-simplistic' BVA animal welfare infographic

The NPA has suggested that an infographic published today by the British Veterinary Association (BVA) paints an over simplistic view of animal welfare on pig farms. 

19th Jul 2018


NPA highlights Brexit trade stance to Lib Dems

The NPA has highlighted its stance on post-Brexit trade policy to the Liberal Democrats.

18th Jul 2018


New training programme to promote responsible use of antibiotics

A new training programme has been launched to support the responsible use of animal medicines on farms. 

17th Jul 2018


Highest recorded PRRS diagnosis in first quarter

The first quarter of 2018 saw the highest ever recorded diagnostic rate of PRRS, according to the latest GB Emerging Threats Quarterly Report.