8th Jun 2018
NPA in talks to develop concerted Forest of Dean feral pig control plan
The NPA is holding talks with various interested parties to try and develop a cohesive plan to manage feral boar in the Forest of Dean.
7th Jun 2018
ASF status remains 'low' as new cases recorded on Ukraine border
African swine fever continues to be reported from affected member states, with new cases being reported by Romania and Hungary, on the border with Ukraine.
6th Jun 2018
NPA welcomes MPs' calls for clarity on food and farming Brexit policy
The NPA has welcomed yet another Parliamentary report that echoes the pig sector’s concerns over Defra’s approach to Brexit.
5th Jun 2018
NPA and PVS express 'extreme concern' over proposed group prophylactic ban
The NPA and the Pig Veterinary Society (PVS) have written to the UK’s CVO expressing ‘extreme concern’ at proposals from Brussels to ban group prophylactic use of antibiotics.
31st May 2018
We will not water down animal welfare standards - Eustice
The Government will not water down food safety and animal welfare standards in the pursuit of trade deals after Brexit, according to Defra minister George Eustice.
30th May 2018
NPA launches Pig Unit Security Pack
The NPA has launched a new Pig Unit Security Pack intended to help ensure pigs are looked after in the best possible way and advise members on keeping their units secure.
29th May 2018
Pig producers urged to assess risk factors before trialling undocked pigs
Pig producers have been urged not to rush into trialling batches of undocked pigs in response to pressure from Brussels to address the issue of tail docking.
28th May 2018
UK food and farming sector sets out Brexit objectives
The NPA has joined more than other 100 organisations from across the UK's food supply chain in a joint manifesto setting out the key principles to ensure Brexit champions food producers.
23rd May 2018
Animal transport rule changes must be based on sound science
The NPA has stressed that any changes made to regulations governing animal transport must be based on sound science, rather than emotive concerns.
22nd May 2018
NPA expresses concerns over straw shortages
The NPA has expressed concern about the impact of the current straw shortage on producers and highlighted the wider implications for UK pig production.